lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


We all have a natural style. Style is simply the way in which you put words together when you are writing. It is a reflection of your speaking and thinking habits.Clear, muddled? Some people write in short staccato sentences, sometimes even without using verbs. I believe style can reflect your personality, eg. serious, brusque, friendly, chatty,... and so on.
In some ways, people can write differently to the way they speak.

I don't usually speak much...but I use plenty of words in my writing!
Good style is essential in any writing.
You won't get published without good style.
It means writing with clarity and precision.
Writing is a craft which needs to be learned and practised, so be self critical.

Style is very individual - it is your own style...and is YOURS alone - your unique personality "shining through".

Style may be simple, formal, and even utilize slang, or be more complex with long sentences, sub-clauses and paragraphs; but it should never lose its essential clarity.


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